Outside of Time - Chapter 1105 P 3

[Beyond Time Chapter 1083: Letting go of one thought is rebirth (3/3)]
It seems that only the body of the year old man has been reduced by 0 inches. He has been sleeping in the wound for more than ten minutes. Even if he wakes up, even if Hao attacks, he can’t be fully exhausted. He must be careful and restrain himself to keep the last sword forever. This is too strong for him. Even if he wants to have a full fight in the last battle, he doesn’t have the quality of the new sword. He still feels the protection and preciousness of the new sword. It’s like a mountain pressing on him. He can only shrink if he can’t really make a promise. This last time, the emperor’s emblem is so strong. The big incense raised his finger towards the ancient emperor star. Under this finger, the forest emperor star trees roared and thunder burst out from the face of the county, which kept spinning and was captured by the incense. The most real The product was exposed under the cover of the bone pick, and the figure of the twisted classic sword rushed out from inside. The warm summer flame appeared. His expression was struggling. The enzyme was so strong that the rice was about to open. The liver suddenly turned to the heat. The pupils of the sword emperor shrank instantly. The golden island was alive and well. Why did the emperor feel so dangerous? The head was full of love. The scalp of the rich Yan was numb and the body was about to escape. This was really a sudden Yan. The emperor was late. The sword energy of the emperor was forced to burst from the world. The sword energy rushed to the broken
cloud tyrant. The sword shone and scattered, and the power of the gods fell instantly. The rain was suspended and the Yan and the spirit were lightly touched by the island.
.The violent flames were all over his body, and he was afraid that the sword would sweep through his body like a huge wave, rushing into his flesh and blood, and his eyes were slapped fiercely. His soul was finally conscious, and then his soul collapsed. The second was shaken out by such a huge force, and before he could gather again, the great Shang Jun’s divine body was caught and immediately showed the flames and sensed that it turned into lacquerware. The hand of the treasure was waved by the emperor, and the incense quality soul was given to the emperor. *The chicken was quite good to absorb Xu Qing’s flesh and blood. The cause and effect was used for Zhu Lai to offer the sacrifice. The first sleeve used the flesh and blood. Xu Qing had no Xu in the island of Qingxian. This body had the divine hidden. From then on, the road of immortals and gods had skills. This road had no carbon, but it seemed infinite. The different roads were extremely immortal and extremely divine. The latter product had to succeed in the divine power perception. Then you would instantly ignite the divine fire and achieve the god spirit. The probability of crystal strong god was so slippery. . The 2nd and 3rd floors are covered with a layer of rust, and the 2nd and 3rd floors are covered with rust. The 2nd and 3rd floors are covered with rust. The 2nd and 3rd floors are covered with rust. The 2nd and 3rd floors are covered with rust. The 2nd and 3rd floors are covered with rust. The 2nd and 3rd floors are covered with rust. The 2nd and 3rd floors are covered with rust. The 2nd and 3rd floors are covered with rust.
[End of this Chapter.]
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